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based in London, UK​

MA Fine Arts, Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts, London, UK 2010 – 2011

BA (Hons) Fine Art, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK 2006 – 2009



selected exhibitions

transient variations - Site specific project commisioned by the Eastern Regional Council as part of the Region of Culture, Malta, 2024

accumulation - ADHOC, Bochum, DE, 2021

MULTILAYER VISION 20/20Schloss Plüschow, DE, 2021

MULTILAYER VISION 20/20 - Museum Wilhelm Morgne, Soest, DE, 2020

Grey | Gray (Matter) - Divisible Projects, Ohio, USA, 2020

Up To Now - Valletta Contemporary, Malta, 2020

AFTERMINIMALISM - Valletta Contemporary, Malta, 2019

Inverted Tunnel (installation) - The Arch Window, GP Studio, London, 2019

Family Jewels III - Darbyshire Framers, London, 2018

HERE & NOW 01 - Valletta Contemporary, Malta, 2018

Recreational Grounds - Aylesbury Estate, London, UK, 2018

Eccentric Geometric - Arthouse1, London, UK, 2017
Meeting Point - AMP Gallery, London, UK, 2016

Family Jewels - Darbyshire Framers, London, 2016

Last Chance Salon - HUSK Gallery, London, UK, 2015

Creekside Open 2015 - work selected by Richard Deacon APT Gallery, London, UK, 2015

Projekt - STS project space, London, UK, 2014

Geometric Sequences - Fiona Grady + Patrick Mifsud - HUSK Gallery, London, UK, 2014

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - ArtLacuna, London, UK, 2013

Mixed Display - Marsden Woo Gallery, London, UK, 2013​
Moments Hovered ​- ​Four day collaborative residency with Alida Rosie Sayer - Bermondsey Project Space, London​​, UK, 2012

Situation/Intervention: Construct/De-construct -  Two Queens Gallery, Leicester, UK, 2012

Divergent Thinkers - St James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta, 2012

On Different Levels - Solo exhibition at Marsden Woo Gallery, London, UK, 2012

Chance Encounters - The Parlour Gallery, London, UK, 2012
​Wimbledon MA Show 2011 â€‹- Wimbledon College of Art, London, UK, 2011

Creekside Open 2011 - work selected by Phyllida Barlow. APT Gallery, London, UK, 2011

10 Gales Art Prize 2011 - 10 Gales Gallery, London, UK, 2011
Futura Bold / Futura Oblique - The Nunnery Gallery, London, UK, 2011
Salad - Wimbledon College of Art, London, UK, 2010

@ Renaro’s - Renaro Space, Wimbledon, London, UK, 2010
Walk the Plank - A Collaboration with dance artists Maria Cassar and Jo Leahy. Performed at the Manoel Theatre during Notte Bianca 2010, Malta

Neither Use, Nor Ornament - Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury, UK, 2010
Relocation, Emerging Artists Form Malta - Bank Of Valletta Head Office, Malta - Curated by Dr Raphael Vella, 2010
In Response - The Harbour Arm Gallery, Margate, UK, 2009
Alturnertive - CRATE SPACE, Margate, UK, 2009

Awarded a commission to create a permanent sculpture at the University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK, 2009

Degree Show, Fine Art 2009 - University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK, 2009

Cargo - The Charlton Shopping Centre’s Car Park, Dover, UK - Curated by Christine Gist, 2009
Zebgha - Solo exhibition at St. James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Malta, 2006





Creekside Open 2011, selected by Phyllida Barlow - Prize winner

10 Gales Art Prize Award 2011 - Shortlisted​​​



UCA Commemorative Artwork Competition. Commissioned for a permanent sculpture




​BOB Magazine: International Magazine of Space Design, 2012 (p.16-17)

​Relocation: Emerging artists from Malta, edited by Dr Raphael Vella, Bank of Valletta plc, Malta, 2010

​Cross-Currents: Critical essays on art and culture in Malta, edited by Dr Raphael Vella, Allied Publications, Malta, 2008 (p.21)


© 2024 patrick mifsud

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